Just a month ago, lemons were available in the retail market for Rs 200-300 per kilogram. The drastic rise in prices is attributed to the intense heat, which drives people to use lemons to make refreshing lemonades. However, the current high prices have deprived citizens of one of the most affordable and healthy ways to combat the summer heat.
The primary lemon-growing regions in Punjab, including Sargodha, Sahiwal, Sialkot, and Multan, as well as areas in Sindh such as Sukkur, Khairpur, and Nawabshah, have experienced scanty rainfall during the fruit-bearing season this summer. This adverse weather has resulted in a forecast of lower production, with the dry spell delaying and reducing the harvest.
Farmers typically sell their produce to middlemen or contractors who supply the fruit to major cities. These contractors are now in a position to manipulate the market to their advantage. The hike in prices is largely due to the reduced supply from key producing areas this year. Traders have noted that while the quality of lemons remains good, the supply is insufficient to meet the demand.
Lemons are cultivated extensively across Pakistan, with local production usually meeting domestic needs. Punjab, in particular, produces 95 percent of the country’s lemons due to its favorable climatic conditions. However, despite this large-scale cultivation, the price of lemons tends to rise each summer as demand grows.